Yellowstone-Boise-Peace Arch Park
Picking up right where we left off, after an amazing time in Yellowstone and a hard night’s sleep we got up early the following day to start heading towards Washington State to go meet Sabine‘s mom. This would be the first time Bean and her mom have embraced in over four years and the first time I’ve been able to meet her at all. No pressure. Just outside of the park we were able to cross state lines for a quick photo with the Montana state sign. No, we didn’t go into the state any further but who cares. We got the photo we were looking for. Lol
This would be the first time Bean and her mom have embraced in over four years and the first time I’ve been able to meet her at all. No pressure.
In an effort to stay off the main highways as much as possible we chose a smaller road en route to Boise, ID via Highway 20. What was about to happen we were not prepared for. Number one we need to address the city of Arco, the nation’s first atomic city with history rooted in the very first nuclear testing facility just down the road. There’s also the SSN 666 ”Devil Boat” a late 60’s SSN submarine on display at the downtown park right off the main road. If that wasn’t enough, about an hour after that town you come across Craters of the Moon National Park which reminds me of a scene post doomsday. It’s like this entire area was one big failed nuclear experiment leaving behind it a massive amount of scorched earth and oddities like the Mormon cricket.

Yeah, I said Mormon cricket. I have never heard of this insect but as we were about to finish up that two lane stretch of highway I noticed that the road was moving right to left. “Am I trippin?” I thought to myself. With each moment that past the road seem to be moving faster and faster perpendicular to my trajectory. I finally realized that we were in the middle of some sort of migration of insect/rodent and I had better pull over before the multitude of crushed bugs created a dangerous riding surface. Just as we pulled over I had pulled my phone out to get a photo of this mystery bug. As I did so, the whole group whipped around, focused on us, and seemed to be in a defensive posture. It was like “ARACHNOPHOBIA!!!” all up in my brain space. It was weird so we bugged out sans photo only to find out what it was later that evening as we started to share stories with our hosts for the night in Boise.
Silver on Silver
Jerry, the man behind The Petroliana Motorcycle Show in Boise had open arms, beers that were cold, and tequila that wasn’t. We need all of those things! That one afternoon was a lot to drink in and it was great to be able to decompress at our new friends’ house along with the local welcoming committee with smiles on faces and tacos on the grill. It remains true that one of my favorite things about the road are the people that it brings me. And scene.
We’re up early and hit the road as quick as possible with a long day ahead of us. Not much time for photos with so much ground to cover. —You can find a portion of this trip covered in one of the Bean Truckin’ videos I’ve just started to produce. — As the sun was setting we found a place to stop for the night at Sunrise Resort in Easton, WA . A cute little roadside RV park with some A-frame homes. It was all we needed to stay warm and get some rest before we rolled to the international border.
We started the next day off right with a nice early walk down to the lake. There was private access and no one around. it could not of been a better morning. Bean and I were both so very excited because this entire trip was all about visiting her mom at our next stop, Peace Arch Park. This place has an amazingly positive history. I’m not gonna get into it but if you want to check it out here’s a link to some info. The human condition can really be wonderful sometimes.
Now matter what you think you’ve signed up for on your two-wheeled adventure you’ve signed up for the whole experience. So be open to it.
The next four days will be full of family time. Mom got a rental near the park and we got a campground near the park and spent our days enjoying each other‘s time. The end. LOL That’s my way of saying I’ll check back in after we visit due to Nunya.
If I had to wrap up this look into my life it’d be with a word of acceptance. Now matter what you think you’ve signed up for on your two-wheeled adventure you’ve signed up for the whole experience. So be open to it. ALL of it. The storms, the weird vibes, the creepy bugs, cold beers, and hugs. All of it.
In the next blog get ready for the 101 around WA…
Thanks for reading all the way down to here!!! I hope you’ve decided to do the conquering of your day for your own personal happiness!!!
Please comment on what you do and don’t like so I can babble about the stuff you wanna read more often than not. And PLEASE SHARE on the Facebooks etc. It’d really help a lot for free. Work it out.
Liner Notes: Links to references sited in the blog
Bean Truckin’
USS Hawkbill (SSN-666)
Idaho Science Center
(208) 527-3770
Craters of the Moon
Norman Cricket
Petroliana Motorcycle Show
Sunrise Resorts-Lake Easton Resort
(509) 656-2255
Peace Arch Historical State Park Playground
(360) 332-8221